300 for $300: Showing up for Kids

Studies show that teenagers today are asking three questions: Who am I? Do I matter? And do I belong?

At Young Life, our mission is to help kids discover the answers to these questions: Who are you? You are a uniquely gifted person who is created in the image of God and has so much to offer this world, and we will keep telling you this every chance that we get! Do you matter? Yes, you matter - you are loved unconditionally, and we will keep showing up in your life to make sure that you believe this is true! Do you belong? Yes, you belong, and we will keep inviting you into spaces where you can be part of a community, meet new friends, and form deeper relationships to make sure that you always know that you belong!

This year has made it harder than ever for kids to believe the answers to those questions. Isolation, social media, societal unrest, and more have created a difficult and troublesome teenage world. Kids are struggling, and they need hope. Which is why we must keep showing up and moving forward. We must offer kids hope, friendship, and love in the midst of a truly strenuous time. Our goal is to continue doing this, and we thank you for your willingness to be part of it.

Impact of Champaign County Young Life

Champaign County Young Life, WyldLife and YoungLives reaches hundreds of families every year.  Check out the impact of the ministry in 2019-20 below to see why it's so crucial to rally 300 for $300 in this season and continue to support these kids and families.  

How to Participate in 300 for $300

Champaign County Young Life is fully funded by the local community, meaning 100% of our funding comes from donations of individuals, churches, and businesses in the local area.  We do not receive funding from Young Life's corporate offices, nor do we receive government funding, grant money or any profits from summer camp.  The money we raise helps subsidize a large portion of the cost of camp, particularly for teens who otherwise couldn't afford to attend.

In order for us to keep showing up for kids, we need to raise $90,000 by December 31, 2020.  To achieve this goal, we are asking 300 people to give at least $300.  Would you consider being one of those 300 who shows up for kids by contributing $300 or more?

Goal: 300 People to Give $300 by December 31, 2020

Make A Monthly Donation

Monthly donations are preferred because they help us with planning and budgeting.  Monthly donations must be made directly through the Young Life giving page.  If you'd like to be 1 of the 300 and make a monthly gift of $25 per month ($300 total) for 12 months, click the link below to be redirected to the Young Life giving page.


Make A One-Time Donation

$300 for 300 Giving Options

  • Be 1 of the 300 ($300.00)

    Be 1 of the 300 ($300.00)

    $300.00 ea.

  • Be 2 of the 300 ($600.00)

    Be 2 of the 300 ($600.00)

    $600.00 ea.

  • Be 3 of the 300 ($900.00)

    Be 3 of the 300 ($900.00)

    $900.00 ea.

  • Be 4 of the 300 ($1,200)

    Be 4 of the 300 ($1,200)

    $1,200.00 ea.


Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

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